Friday, January 20, 2017

So much has changed!

Hawaii was fantastic!! Here's a link to the pictures:

My sister had bypass surgery in October. She was quite the trooper - came through with flying colors. She is getting stronger every day. Of course, a little thing like coronary bypass surgery didn't prevent her from hosting Thanksgiving. Another amazing Thanksgiving spent with the Lushers.

Christmas was joyous. My children spoil me rotten and I spoil them all right back. The extended family joined us again for dinner and a great time was had by all.

So, remember the job that was just driving me crazy and wearing me down? It is in the past. I retired on January 6, 2017. I spent the first week resting and sleeping and am now starting small projects around the house. Next week I start training for a part time job in a pediatric office. I will be working one day/week.

The cancer seems to be under control right now and I've even lost a few pounds.

Now I get to look forward to Jennifer and Justin's wedding. I am so very excited about it.

Like I said, changes. I feel pretty damn good right now.