Saturday, May 25, 2019


It's been a rainy, not great spring. That's not to say there haven't been some good moments.
My grandson is the cutest baby ever (independently verified by strangers). He is 4 days shy of 8 months old and has such a great personality. I'm pretty sure he's trying to make "grandma" his first word. We work on it together. 
My son-in-law's mother, Denise,  lost her battle with breast cancer last week. A very sad time. She was a force of nature with a beautiful smile. 
My new treatment worked for a while, but the most recent scan showed some growth (tiny growth) and my cancer marker (CA125) went up. No change in treatment yet. Monday my tummy blew up like a balloon. As you  may remember, bloating is like THE symptom of ovarian cancer. I don't see the doctor now for two weeks but the treatment nurse sent her a heads up and I was instructed to call if it gets any worse. I'm starting to get a little scared because treatments are being effective for shorter and shorter periods of time. Eventually we run out of options. I know some of the negative feelings are tied to the loss of  Denise, but I'm  just not ready to be finished yet. 
Not much else is going on. I push on. 
Thanks for "listening"