Saturday, July 13, 2013


Previously, I posted an update called "support". I wrote quite a lot about it but the post was blank. So I will try to re-create it. I'm sure it won't be the same words but the sentiment will be identical.
I am very fortunate in the support I am getting from everyone while I go through this. 
First are my girls. No parent could ask for better. They have been with me at all of the important appointments, come at the drop of the hat when I fall apart and call, feed me, get me out of the house and keep my spirits up even though I know they're probably having difficulty keeping their own high.
Now to the rest of my family and friends. From recuperating from procedures at my John and Carol's to being fed and otherwise cared for by Susan and John to transportation to chemo provided by Joyce (my wonderful mother-in-law) I am very well cared for.
And friends. I am so lucky. Mary Ellen calls regularly and has visited. I'm planning a trip to Springfield to see her. Angie has visited, we've met or dinner and a movie. We have been friends for 51 years!! And then all of the other friends who ask about me, cook for me (thank you Mickey) and just let me know in so many ways that they care. I have a great extended family as well. I get calls, emails, cards...  Ann took me to dinner and didn't say a word about how little I ate since I had no appetite and nothing tasted good. Even all of my facebook friends send encouraging words and some send cards to brighten up my days.
I was only on my new job for 6 days when this hit. Yet my co-workers treat me as if we have known each other for years and are very supportive and encouraging. 
I don't know how people without family and friends get through this. I do have my days (tonight, tomorrow and Monday will be some) when I just want to be alone. The pain is bad and I want to be able to cry, scream, throw a tantrum or sleep at will. And if anyone is here they will be frustrated because they will want to "help" and there is nothing to do. So, my supportive family and friends understand this and leave me to myself. But I always know that any and all would come in a second if I call. 
See what I mean? I'm one very lucky girl to have so much love and support during this nightmare.

1 comment:

  1. we all love you and want to give you what we can. i just wish i could do more.
