I'm really nervous. There is not reason to be nervous but I am. I'm nervous about the scan. First, there is the scan itself. I scheduled it at 7am so I could go right to work. After scheduling, I discover that I need to take a steroid 4 hours prior to the scan and drink a disgusting contrast "smoothie" beginning 90 minutes prior to the scan.
But mostly I'm anxious about the results. I know that the surgeon got all of the cancer out and that all surrounding tissue and fluid was negative for cancer. I know that the lung biopsy was also negative. I know that my CA125 is fine. I know all of these things, but there is a little, teenie, tiny part of my brain that keeps imagining the worst. I can't stop it.
Other than that, I'm doing ok. My appetite is mostly back. My sense of taste is still off. My energy level is low but improving.
So I'm clicking my heals together and chanting "It's almost over...it's almost over...it's almost over."
you're amazing. just remember that. XOXO