Saturday, November 2, 2013


I thought it would be fun to type in italics. I was right.
My eyelashes are long enough that I'm using mascara again. Oddly, the left ones are longer than the right. I'm sure everything will even out.
My hair always grew quickly and it looks like that has not changed. It's not nearly ready to be styled or even exposed but I think I'll be able to take off the wig sooner than I originally expected.
I've stopped losing weight and even put back on a pound. This does not make me happy. I'm on prednisone for my eczema so I'm always hungry. I'm hoping I can keep the gain to this one pound and concentrating on losing the last 8-10 when I'm off of steroids.
My sense of taste is returning gradually. I still don't love chocolate though.
Oh, and remember the dreaded neuropathy? Not so bad now. I occasionally have the "itchy" symptom and a couple of localized numbish spots but it's mostly gone.
I think it may be time to stop thinking of myself as being sick.  YAY
I've been out dancing and tonight will be the first time out being Patrick's only dance partner. This means I'll dance a lot more. I believe I am ready!!!!
On my list of things to do:
lose a little more weight
increase exercise to increase energy
work towards returning to the racquetball court by the first of the year
learn to make twisters (perhaps not compatible with #1)

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