Tuesday, November 3, 2015

I'm still here

A friend asked me how I'm doing today and reminded me that I have been ignoring my blog.
So, how am I?
Before I answer that question, let me tell you of a couple of non-cancer happenings.
Jennifer and Justin bought a house and then he proposed to her after all of the helpers went home on moving day. YAY!!
Jennifer had to put her beloved Reggie to sleep shortly after the move. This was very sad. I miss him and I didn't even see him all that much. Then I found out that the first dog I ever loved also died of cancer. Much sadness.
Elizabeth got a new job that she loves. It is great to see her so happy again!!
OK, now let's talk cancer. I only had four rounds - not because I couldn't tolerate it but because it seemed to be responding well and the doctor didn't think the two extra rounds would make a big difference. So last week,  I started maintenance chemo which is one drug every three weeks. After the final round of the aggressive part of the chemo, my hemoglobin seriously dropped as did my platelets. I had NO energy. I could barely walk five feet without needing a rest. So I had a blood transfusion. I got 2 units of packed cells which helped to point the hemoglobin in the right direction, and I got almost a unit of platelets. They stopped the platelet transfusion with about 15 minutes left because I had an allergic reaction. Still, the platelets are gradually climbing back to normal.
So here I am. Getting a little stronger every day. I still have a long way until the end, but it shouldn't be debilitating and I hope to gain strength and stamina.
Oh. One other good thing: I learned that I can make a frozen coke (icee-like) using my little ice cream maker. :)

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