Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Patio and more

After a spring of rain, rain, and more rain, I finally got my patio. They finished it today and I just have to water it twice daily for seven days. Of course, it just rained some and it's supposed to rain today so I may not need to water until Thursday.
I spent last weekend (July 5-7) in the hospital. I had an anaphylactic reaction to one of the chemo drugs, was taken to the ER and was to be admitted for 24 hours observation. I ended up staying longer because my lacitc acid needed to come down and my blood pressure needed to go up. Fun times. And the best part is, they took me to Mercy West since the oncology office is in the attached medical office building and...wait for it...Mercy West is out of network for my insurance. I have no out of network coverage except for emergency care. The admission seems to be a maybe (at least that's what I get from reading my plan documents). So far, the hospitalist charges have been denied, but I will appeal if the hospital charges are approved. It's not like we didn't try to find out if I needed to be transferred to Christ Hospital. Customer service wasn't available on a Friday evening. The nurse did make sure my discharge on Sunday was timed to get me home in time for the Women's World Cup Final. And let me just say "USA"
Oh, and the hospital stay meant that I missed the Independence Day celebration at my sister-in-law's house on the 6th. I even bought a new swim suit so I could get in the pool with my grandson. Maybe  next time.

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